Hiding Behind the 72,095,813

There’s a technique that I’ve often referred to as “Wrapping Yourself in the Flag”. Here’s how it works: Let’s say I’m pushing for Foreign Policy X and Domestic Policy Y, and you’re against them. Your reasons are specific, your logic is sound, and your arguments are compelling—and that’s precisely why I intend to studiously avoid addressing any of your criticism in an intellectually honest fashion.

Instead, I’m going to wrap my policy proposals in the flag of something else and reframe your criticism of Foreign Policy X as hatred of our country or love of our enemies. Then I’ll reframe your criticism of Domestic Policy Y as hatred of, say, Jews, hard-working taxpayers, women, trans teens, or Black people.

It’s an incredibly sleazy technique and it’s happening on Twitter and Facebook right now. All of those faithless folks who sold their souls for 30 pieces of Trump silver are running scared right now. They’re desperately trying to deflect criticism of their despicable behavior. Like the ruthless demagogue in The Dead Zone (1983) who uses a baby as a human shield, Trump’s enablers are trying to hide behind the 72,095,813 Americans who voted Republican on November 3, 2020.

“If you come after me, you’re coming after them. If you criticize me, you’re criticizing them.” No, we’re not. We’re not coming after them. The 72,095,813 Americans who voted Republican are our friends, family members, neighbors, colleagues, and countrymen. Our quarrel isn’t with them, it’s with you.

You showed us what you’re made of, guys, and we won’t forget. Like an airline pilot fired for drinking on the job, your flying days are over. We’ll be sure to keep you away from the levers of power from now on. Clearly you can’t be trusted.

John Faithful Hamer